Contact us at (33) 494 34 38 38, monday to saturday 9h30/19h, to speak english ask for Gil.
Since 30 years we manufacture, in France, some canine equipment under our mark Doonerak's Runners, and it happens regularly that a dog chews his leash, that a buckle of harness breaks, that an equipment passes under the wheels of a car, that a snap of leash breaks, etc... etc...
There is also the leash that is used because it accompanied one of our dogs during all his life and of which one doesn't wish to separate for the sentimental attachment that one can have there.
We created a service repair and we proceed as follows :
1 - Sewing set price = 6.00 €uro.
2 - We invoice supplies used for the repair.
That is to say that if hardware is good, only the changed webbing will be invoiced with the sewing set price.
If it is just a sewing repair, only the sewing set price will be invoiced, etc..
We only invoice what is damaged and that has been changed.
You have in example a leash chewed to different places, the damaged webbing is unpicked and replaced by a new webbing, the rings and the snaps are recovered to get back up on the leash.
Cost of the repair : 1 sewing set price + 2.50 M of red webbing = 6.00 + 6.50 = Total 12.50 Euro (New Price new 35.00 Euro)
It is going without saying that the shipping fees will be added if it is necessary to send you the merchandise.
You can submit us by email,, if you have some photos… it is better, the repair that you consider doing, we will email you back the exact price, without surprises, of your repair.