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Collared Neck Regular Taiga X-Back Harness

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Collared Neck Regular Taiga X-Back Harness

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Taiga has stopped its activities, so we will no longer be able to distribute this brand of harness.

Take advantage of all the sizes of these quality harnesses still available on our store.


Imported from U.S.A.


Taiga has developed the Collared-neck X-Back harness in order to maximize comfort for the working sled dog and reduce injury to the dog's shoulders.

The Collared Neck fits snugly to the base of the dog's neck allowing greater freedom of movement in the shoulders.
The Scapula Plate eliminates pressure to the tops of the dog's shoulder blades, reducing the likelihood of bone spurs.

X-BACK - Webbing Lightweight 1200 lb.
Padding: Polar fleece.
Sizes Full and half sizes from XS to XLL.


To fit the sizes use the A/B and B/C/D measurements, check on table


Color Red.

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